8 Foods That'll Help You Sleep Through the Night


Pistachios are rich in protein, vitamin B6, and magnesium, which help you sleep. Restrain your shell-cracking. "Don't exceed a 1-ounce portion of nuts," London advises. "Anything too high in calories can have the reverse effect of keeping you awake!"



Watermelon may help you sleep and keep hydrated, which can boost your vitality. Due to its fiber and volume, a 2-cup portion of half-water will hydrate you before bed and decrease post-dinner appetite. London advises refreshing cantaloupe, apples, oranges, and pears.



Banana magnesium and potassium calm muscles and nerves. Dudash claims the fruit's vitamin B6 transforms tryptophan into serotonin, further relaxing.



Almond or peanut butter work too. Spread it over bananas, graham crackers, or sweet potato toast. Again, keep your dollop under a tablespoon to avoid overeating before bed.


Dark Chocolate

Eating chocolate day and night is OK. Dark chocolate calms the mind and body with serotonin. Also, dark chocolate offers significant health advantages.



Although oatmeal is a breakfast staple, eating it after dark may help you sleep. "Like whole-grain bread, oatmeal grains cause insulin production," explains Cynthia Pasquella, CCN, CHLC, CWC. "They naturally boost blood sugar and induce sleep. Oats contain melatonin, which relaxes and aids sleep."



Potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron are in figs "As per Jaclyn London, M.S., R.D., C. "These minerals help with blood flow and muscle contraction, which are key for falling asleep." These figs satisfy your dessert need and fill you up with fiber.



Pasquella claims this chickpea spread has plenty of tryptophan. "If you're waking up hungry in the middle of the night, that usually means you're not getting enough calories during the day," explains. To sleep better, eat hummus throughout the day and three modest meals and two snacks.
