9 Best Stretching Exercises for Better Flexibility

This stretch helps improve posture-related pain and mobility in the mid-back and hips. Start in a lunge position with one leg forward and the other extended behind.

Lunge with Spinal Twist

Stand with feet hip-width apart and fold forward from the hips, bringing your head towards the floor. Keep a gentle bend in your knees and touch the floor with your fingertips or wrap

Forward Fold

Sit on the floor with one leg crossed over the other, placing the opposite hand on the floor behind you. Twist your torso towards the bent leg while pressing the knee away with the opposite hand

Piriformis Stretch

Stand facing a wall with one foot close to it and the other about a foot back. Place your palms on the wall for support and press the heel of the back foot into the floor, stretching the calf muscle.

Toes on Wall Calf Stretch

Kneel, sit, or stand tall and reach one arm overhead, bending at the elbow. Use the opposite hand to gently pull the elbow towards the head, stretching the triceps muscle.

Triceps Stretch

Stand tall and pull one foot towards your butt, keeping the knees together. Squeeze your glutes to deepen the stretch in the front of the thigh.

Standing Quad Stretch

Lie on your back and cross one ankle over the opposite knee. Lift the bottom leg off the floor and pull the bent knee towards the chest, stretching the piriformis and hip flexor muscles.

Figure Four Stretch

Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart and shift your weight to one side, bending the knee slightly. Keep the opposite hip pulled down to stretch the inner thigh muscles.

Hip Adductors Stretch

Lie on your stomach with arms extended to the sides. Push off the ground with one hand and roll onto the side, feeling a stretch in the chest and shoulders.

Lying Pectoral Stretch