Chaturanga Dandasana Plank Pose
Best core strengthening pose: chaturanga dandasana. While simple, it has huge advantages. It's only in the posture that your abdominal muscles feel its intensity.
Virabhadrasana Warrior Pose
The warrior position helps you focus and tone your thighs and shoulders. The longer you hold the stance, the better. Just a few minutes of Virabhadrasana tightens quadriceps.
Trikonasana Triangle pose
Trikonasana improves digestion and reduces belly and waist fat. It increases body-wide blood circulation. This asana burns waist fat and builds thighs and hamstrings with its lateral motion. Balance and focus improve.
Adho Mukha Svanasana Downward Dog Pose
It helps to strengthen your arms, thighs, hamstring and back. Holding this pose and concentrating on your breathing engages your muscles and tones them, as well as improves your concentration and blood circulation.
Sarvangasana Shoulder Stand Pose
Sarvangasana boosts strength and digestion. It is most famous for improving metabolism and stabilizing thyroid levels. Sarvangasana, the shoulder stand, strengthens the upper body, abdominal muscles, legs, respiratory system, and sleep.
Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana Bridge pose
Body tone, digestion, hormone regulation, and thyroid levels improve with Bridge position. It decreases back pain and strengthens back muscles.
Parivrtta Utkatasana Twisted Chair pose
Yoga's squat is Parivrtta Utkatasana. However, it is more vigorous and tones the abs, quads, and glutes.
Dhanurasana Bow Pose
Yoga's squat is Parivrtta Utkatasana. However, it is more vigorous and tones the abs, quads, and glutes.
Surya Namaskara Sun Salutation Pose
Surya Namaskara, or Sun Salutation, does more than warm up muscles and blood. It stretches and tones most main muscles, trims the waist, tones the arms, improves digestion, and balances metabolism.