How To Do The Superman Exercise The Right Way, According To A Trainer

Alternating Superman

You can try this change if it's hard to lift both arms and legs at the same time. "I like to have people start with this version before moving to the full superman," he says. Lay on your stomach with your arms and legs stretched out.

Elbows Bent Superman

This variation is ideal for someone who has neck or shoulder pain, says Swenson. Start by lying on your belly with your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle at your sides

Reverse Superman

Here's a cool one! Instead of lying on your stomach. Flip over and lie on your back, this time lifting both arms and legs in a straight line simultaneously toward the ceiling.

Superman Ball Lift

This is your advanced superman 2.0. For it, when you lift your arms and legs, you'll also be lifting a stability ball (or Swiss ball) between your feet, challenging those hard-to-reach lower abs

Straining your neck

When lifting the upper body off the floor, people will look up and strain their necks. (A no-no, says Swenson.) To fix this, steady your gaze on the floor as you lift the upper body.

Performing the exercise too fast

Moving through the superman too quickly isn t effective and basically takes away all those total-body benefits, says Swenson. The superman is meant to be performed slowly and with control.

Not engaging your core muscles

Swenson says that a strong core always keeps the back safe as it moves. To get your core muscles to work, pull your belly button in toward your spine. This will help support your back as you lift your upper body and legs into the Superman pose.