Grab your dumbbells (between 5kg-15kg) and stand tall. Keep elbows aligned with your waist, feet shoulder-width apart.
Bicep Curls
At the gym or with a lat machine, sit comfortably with feet flat. Adjust the bar height. Pull down the bar to chin level, engaging your core. Slowly release without clanging the weights.
Lat Pulldowns
Hold a dumbbell with both hands, arms extended overhead. Bend elbows, lowering the dumbbell behind your head. Squeeze triceps, then lift back up.
Tricep Press
Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat. Hold dumbbells with arms extended, knuckles facing the ceiling. Lower dumbbells to the sides until arms form a 90-degree angle.
Chest Press
Sit with good posture, feet secure. Push back with lower body, then pull handle towards chest using upper back. Extend arms and return to start.
Rowing Machine
On an exercise mat, place hands shoulder-width apart, fingers facing feet. Lift hips off the ground, lowering them by bending elbows. Push back up to start position.
Tricep Dips
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended parallel to the floor. Make controlled circles with hands in a forward motion, gradually increasing size.
Arm Circles
A classic for a reason. If traditional push ups are challenging, try the kneeling version: start on your knees with hands shoulder-width apart, lower chest towards the ground, then push back up.
Push Ups