The 9 Most Beautiful Indoor Plants To Add To Your Collection

Bird's Nest Fern: With its thick, glossy leaves, this fern is easy to care for, preferring bright indirect light and infrequent watering.

Zebra Plant: Named for its striped leaves, this succulent needs bright indirect light and careful watering every few weeks to avoid overwatering.

Majesty Palm: Ideal for empty corners, these palms are easy to care for and pet-safe, thriving in spaces with limited airflow and purifying the air.

Prayer Plant 'Beauty Kim': With leaves that fold up at night resembling praying hands, this low-light-friendly plant is perfect for beginners.

Monstera Swiss Cheese Plant: Known for its hole-filled leaves resembling Swiss cheese, this plant thrives in bright, indirect sunlight with weekly watering.

Blue Star Fern: Preferring medium to bright indirect light and humidity, this fern needs occasional watering and looks great in hanging planters.

Boston Fern: Thriving in low light and humidity, this fern is ideal for bathrooms, requiring regular watering once the soil dries out.

Algerian Ivy: Perfect for trailing, this ivy loves shade and consistent watering, needing occasional pruning to control its growth.

Tricolor Hoya 'Krimson Queen': With trailing vines of white, green, and pink leaves, this pet-friendly plant thrives in bright, indirect light with watering every one to two weeks.